🎯 How AWS turned costs into profits

A masterclass in lateral-thinking

Read time: 2 minutes 24 seconds

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How AWS turned costs into profits

Chess Move

The what: A TLDR explanation of the strategy

At a now-legendary executive retreat at Jeff Bezos’ house in 2003, Amazon leadership ran an exercise that changed the course of history forever.

The exercise started with a discussion about Amazon's core competencies:

→ Offering a broad selection of products? Check.

→ Fulfilling and shipping orders? Nailing it.

A few rotations later, they discussed IT.

As a rapidly scaling low-margin retail business, they had been forced to become market leaders at running reliable and cost-effective state-of-the-art data centres.

This little nugget presented an opportunity:

Amazon folded its highly-desirable architecture inside-out, offering compute, databases, and storage to the market under the banner ‘Amazon Web Services’.

Today AWS services 41.5% (!!) of all web application workloads.

History’s best example of ‘platformisation’.


The how: The strategic playbook boiled down to 3x key takeaways

1: The AWS playbook: Turn costs → profits

Infrastructure → AWS

Payments → Amazon Pay

Marketing → Amazon Prime

Sales → Amazon Associates

Fulfilment → Fulfilment by Amazon

Product → Kindle, Basics, Fire, Echo, etc.

AWS kickstarted Amazon’s meta-strategy for new business lines: Transforming cost centres into profit centres.

2: Dogfooding done right

AWS became the infrastructure service provider to the Amazon.com retail store.

They made a point of treating Amazon.com no differently than any outside user.

This gave them the requirements, testing, and short feedback-loop they needed to develop fit-for-purpose services for the market’s largest customers.

3: Left hand feeding the right

Amazon.com’s flywheel can be summarised as: lower prices → increased sales → economies of scale → lower prices.

Despite pulling in a whopping 43% of $AMZN’s revenue, Amazon.com has razer-thin margins with high logistics and labor costs.

AWS however accounts for just 13% of $AMZN’s revenue, while clocking in nearly 75% of the company’s operating profit.

The takeaway?

AWS is the cash engine that subsidises Amazon.com’s impossibly low prices.

Rabbit Hole

The where: 3x high-signal resources to learn more

Recommendations, friends, and sponsors

MoveMeOn - Founded by McKinsey alumni, MoveMeOn is a platform for hiring ex-MBB and strategy talent, worldwide. Try the digital headhunter for permanent hires + freelance experts today.

Just Go Grind - 3k-7k words on the stories of the world’s best founders, every week. Check out our friend Justin Gordon’s one-of-a-kind research essays here (1-click to sign up).

In Defense of Strategy - Our favourite read this week. “Every startup has a window of time during which they must simultaneously build something worth defending and build defenses around it. For new startups, strategy is deciding how to use the window wisely.”

We have a growing audience of 20,000+ readers from top companies like Google, Meta, Atlassian, Stripe, and Snapchat. If you’d like to sponsor Strategy Breakdowns, see more information here.

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